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Be careful using the Lotion on the Skin Wound


Humidity is the key to healing is best for injured skin. Use lotion is one of the efforts in keeping the skin moist. But when the wound is still open, can wear lotion?

Dermatologists of Global Medical Center dr. Sarah Hutapea, SpKK said, use lotion should not be arbitrary to some specific types of injuries such as burns and wounds caused by acne or irritation. Because, on the types of injuries that may require special treatment.

Burns for example, require special care because it is prone to infection. Then burn care should not wear lotion unusual, but special materials that mnengandung antibiotics.

Nevertheless, according to Sarah, burns also need to be kept moist. Then use a special cream containing antibiotics is the best way. "The cream has a more dense structure that is more effective than lotions keep the skin moist exposed burn," he said in a press conference held by PT Unilever Indonesia, Wednesday (29/05/2013) in Jakarta.

As with the wounds caused by acne or irritation. Sarah said, before applying lotion, first we have to know the causes of acne and skin irritation.

If caused by bacteria, it is necessary given the first antibacterial to eliminate acne or iritasinya. But if it's caused by a fungus, healing with an antibacterial certainly not going to be effective, it needs to be antifungal.
"Appropriate treatment should be done first to eliminate the cause of the wound, and then be given a lotion," said the doctor graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga.

Meanwhile, she added, the use of lotions and very well suited for the kinds of minor injuries, such as scratches, tergaruk, or minor cut. "Lotion will keep the skin moist which helps speed the healing of injured skin. Proper wound care to minimize the former is formed," he concluded.

H7N9 virus are Tamiflu Immune

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Scientists in China identified the first case of bird flu drug Tamiflu-resistant H7N9, which is the current standard drug flu outbreak.

According to the BBC, so far there are 131 cases of influenza "bird" on the new man, the death toll reached 36 people. In the last two weeks did not reveal any new cases.

In a recent report published in the online edition of The Lancet, 3 virus samples taken from 14 patients infected with H7N9 were hospitalized Shanghai, China, positive resistant to the drug Tamiflu. The third patient was also suffering from a severe illness, two of which menigngal, and the third is using a ventilator machine.

"This condition should be monitored carefully for fear of a pandemic will occur. Medics must prepare plans in case of a pandemic," said lead researcher Dr.Zhenghong Yuan of Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University, China, and Dr.Malik Peiris of the University Hong Kong.

Of the 14 patients studied, the doctors continued to monitor the progress of the virus through a blood sample, feces, urine, and throat mucus. All patients had complications of pneumonia, and 7 of them had to use a ventilator machine in order to get enough oxygen.

Analysis of the virus shows three cases of severe immune to flu medications, including Tamiflu. Responsive patients on flu medicine experienced a faster recovery.

Patients who are resistant to Tamiflu allegedly infected by a mutation. One patient experienced viral mutations after treatment Tamiflu, so that H7N9 may mutate due to the influence of the drug.

Easy Tips to Lose Weight Fast

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Slim body (Photo: Google)

Losing weight is not done just to make you look gorgeous. Weight loss is also useful for you to become more healthy, fit and maintain a consistent weight.

To lose weight is not easy. Many food temptations and feeling lazy to move that makes weight loss difficult. To lose weight, you do not need to impose a diet that you can not do. Here are a few simple tricks, so you can lose weight as reported by Magforwoman.

Eat in moderation
Hunger is a bad idea. Eat the foods you like but keep counting calories. Moderation or adjustment menu and amount of food to be important when you want to lose weight. You do not need to avoid sugary or fried foods, however, provide a cheating day, a day you should eat these foods in a certain amount.

Do not skip your meals
You skip meals, especially when you are working is not the right way to go about it. Mental activity makes you very hungry. You may skip your lunch, but you'll end up eating the wrong thing then.

Avoid snacking midnight
Try not to stay up late at night for things that are not needed, this will only make you feel hungry. Watching TV just makes it worse. You will feel cravings for certain foods such as pizza, popcorn or fried chips. This will add weight to your body.

Fruits Endurance Body Enhancer

Papaya increase endurance (Photo: Google)
Many intake to maintain a healthy body in the transition seasons. One is by eating fruits that contain vitamin C.

This is because vitamin C such as citrus fruits, guava and papaya can increase one's endurance. Thus, the condition of the body temperature will always be able to adjust the environment even though the weather was not friendly.

"Guava, orange, papaya and fruit that have vitamin C which has the advantage of giving the defense forces the body to adapt in the middle of the transition season. Then, how to maximize the benefits? Ya live in the activity of the fruit brought it, and then eat them in between activities or after eating your daily diet, "said Emilia E. Achmadi MS., RD, a nutritionist and nutrition to Okezone, themed launch event Mytea; Oolong Tea in a Bottle Packaging in F (X) Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 28, 2013.

So far papaya dikteahui more vitamin C than oranges. Thus, continued Emil, will be more effective when choosing papaya fruit for a healthy desire continues in the transition seasons.

"This is when we talk immune system (immune) yes. Papaya is very unusual properties to be consumed when the transition period like this, because its vitamin C content than oranges more," he explained.

Source :

Tips to Avoid Toxins from Food Packaging

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Ilustration ( livestrong)
There are still a lot of people do not really care with food packaging. Though the packaging plays an important role in determining whether or not food is safe for consumption, particularly processed food. When food is packed with plastic or material containing toxic, it is quite possible content of toxins can contaminate food and entry into the body.

One of the toxic chemicals that are often found in containers such as plastic or canned food is Bisphenol-A (BPA). Substance that is usually not mentioned in the labeling of food or beverage composition. But that does not mean we do not eat them. Unconsciously, BPA can enter the body when we are not prudent in the selection of packaged processed foods.

BPA is a substance has been used for food packaging since the 1950s. BPA is a synthetic estrogen found in beverage packaging that can be reused, DVDs, mobile phones, eyeglass lenses and part of the automobile.

In the market or supermarket, we used to find BPA in drinking water products are packaged based plastic polikarbonatdan and some canned food. This substance can also be found in thermal paper used as bill payment at the checkout.

BPA is used for cans and bottles can be absorbed into the food and drinks. BPA can be absorbed perfectly in canned food products are acidic, salty or fatty foods such as milk, tomatoes, fish, soups, and vegetables. With the increasing use of BPA in food packaging, it is not impossible these chemicals masik easily enter the body.

Survey conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States in 2003 to 2004 found that 93 percent of the 2,500 respondents had BPA in their bodies. In 2011, research by the Harvard School of Public Health found that people who ate canned soup each day for five days experienced a 1,000 percent increase in BPA up in his body. The increase in substance it found BPA in the urine as compared with those who ate fresh soup for 5 days.

BPA is also starting to break even on the product bottle. However before BPA can be transferred from dish packs, the following tips to reduce the presentation

According to experts from Duke Medicine, animal studies have raised concerns that the health effects of BPA might affect humans. This substance is believed to cause a variety of disorders, ranging from reproductive organs, behavior, obesity and cancer.

Match the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also been aware of this issue and begin to take steps to limit exposure to BPA in food products, including banning the use of BPA in baby bottles.

BPA until now has not banned its use in plastic packaging. However, to limit and reduce the threat of explanation, here are the steps that can be taken:

1. Select a package labeled 'BPA-free' or 'BPA Free'
2. Choose packaging made of glass, porcelain, or stainless steel instead of aluminum and plastic
3. Do not select platik bottles with recycling code or number 3 or 7 on adasar bottle. No. 6 also should not be selected.
4. Do not heat plastic containers in the microwave
5. Do not wash or re-using packaging with no labels 'BPA-free' or 'BPA Free.'
6. Reduce consumption of food in cans unless labeled "BPA-free" or "BPA Free."

In addition to the tips above, the following three types of plastic packaging that must be avoided:

1. 3 numbered plastic packaging Packaging is made from PVC which stimulates the growth of cancer cells (carcinogens). Code or number 3 may release toxins in food and beverages. Risk would be higher if the packaging washed, heated, or cooled. Flexible plastic packaging containing BPA has a great opportunity.

2. Plastic containers numbered 6. The packaging is made of PS, or commonly known as Styrofoam. This packaging will release toxins when heated.

3. Plastic containers numbered 7 (Other). Found in baby bottles, water bottles and other packaging. No. 7 contain bisphenol A. These substances have an effect on changes in neural and behavioral performance, as well as early puberty.

Source : livestrong

5 Benefits of Coconut Oil for Skin

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Virgin coconut oil has been used since centuries ago. In addition to cooking, coconut oil can actually be relied upon to maintain healthy skin.

Approximately 50 percent of the content of coconut oil consists of lauric acid which is known to be able to get rid of bacterial or fungal infection.

Lauric acid is also widely used in cosmetic products because it increases the permeability of the skin so that the active ingredients in cosmetics can penetrate skin layers.

Well, here are some of the benefits of coconut oil for the skin:

1. Pat the skin dry and irritated.

2. Moisturize dry scalp and hair repair cracked. Regular massage of the scalp after shampooing.

3. Can be used as a substitute for his ability as an antifungal deodorant, how to apply a little coconut oil on the armpit.

4. Strengthen and nourish nails. Use as a massage oil to your hands and nails.

5. Apply it on the pimples and leave overnight to mengempeskan acne caused by bacteria.
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