be careful! mosquito larvae not only in home

Dengue fever remains a serious health threat. The increased number of deaths due to dengue fever found in Jakarta assessed as parameters lack of public awareness on the disease.

According to City Health Specialists Medical Faculty Atma Jaya University Professor. Charles Suryadi, awareness on dengue mosquito larvae cause for this is still focused on the household. Vigilance when it should be done in seven types of orders, namely households, educational institutions, offices, public places, food vendors, sports facilities, and health facilities.

"We can be exposed to dengue fever instead of the home environment, even when eating in a restaurant or working in the office there is also the threat of dengue fever," Charles said after the press conference Nest Mosquito Eradication Through 30 Minutes Clean Friday can figure Dengue Press.

Charles said that the dengue mosquito attacks during the day. At that time, most people were outside the house. So no wonder, despite maintaining a home environment free larvae, but the office or school environment is not maintained then it could be dengue fever.

According to him, actually increasing vigilance against dengue should be applied since an early age, ie at the age of primary school education. This approach is more effective because it will take vigilance that has been built will continue until early adulthood.
"But now reality upside down, most socializing is done in homes. Though it was good, but the environment should schools, offices, and other public places are also given a similar socialization," he said.
Charles says, people often forget to check places that allow for water pooled in school, office, or public places. Though many places that allow the growth of mosquito larvae, such as air-conditioning water containers, trash ex-beverage glasses, water container under the water dispenser, the area near the toilet and others.
source : kompas
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