Adverse Effects Not Maintaining Oral Health

There has been a lot of information about how to brush their teeth, and even how to choose a good toothpaste. But often even realize still less healthy mouth care, people do not want to make any changes. This is what triggered the poor oral health, may even have an impact on other diseases.

According to previous studies, approximately 7 out of 10 people admit and recognize that poor oral health can have an impact on their health, but do not have a strong desire to make some changes.

Recent survey conducted on 5,000 adults in the UK found that nearly one-third knew that poor oral health can have an impact on heart health and oral cancer. While only a small percentage of respondents are aware that poor oral health can be linked to dementia and cancer of the pancreas.

Result to note is that 22 percent of respondents say they will not change their current habits. Even if they know that poor oral health associated with serious health conditions.

"This makes us motivated to figure out how to keep the people more and more aware of the link between poor oral health with the impact on the body," said James Glover, researchers from Simplyhealth, as quoted from Female First, on Tuesday (30/4 / 2013).

"We are all taught from childhood to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, but in fact 20 percent of our respondents admitted that they did not do this. Figure is up 25 percent in people aged 25-34 years. This shows they really do not apply their knowledge, "he continued.

A dentist from Simplyhealth, Michael Thomas, stating that it is actually better to prevent than cure. Better soon these habits do change before a negative impact on the body.

"To ensure good oral health, it is important to check the teeth and mouth to the dentist regularly, brush your teeth at least 2 times a day, and use mouthwash. All these habits will greatly affect oral health," said Thomas.
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